cleverdoc.utils package#


cleverdoc.utils.auxiliary module#

class cleverdoc.utils.auxiliary.BinaryT#

Bases: int

class cleverdoc.utils.auxiliary.BoundDecimal(value: str, precision: int, scale: int)#

Bases: Decimal

Custom data type that represents a decimal with a specific scale and precision.

class cleverdoc.utils.auxiliary.ByteT#

Bases: int

class cleverdoc.utils.auxiliary.LongT#

Bases: int

class cleverdoc.utils.auxiliary.ShortT#

Bases: int

cleverdoc.utils.auxiliary.create_bound_decimal_type(precision: int, scale: int) Type[BoundDecimal]#

Factory method that creates a new BoundDecimal type with the specified precision and scale.

cleverdoc.utils.dataclass module#

cleverdoc.utils.dataclass.apply_nullability(dtype: DataType, is_nullable: bool) DataType#

Returns a new PySpark DataType with the nullable flag set to the given value.

cleverdoc.utils.dataclass.get_spark_type(py_type: Type) DataType#

Creates a mapping from a python type to a pyspark data type :param py_type: :return:

cleverdoc.utils.dataclass.is_field_nullable(field_name: str, hints: dict) bool#

Returns True if the given field name is nullable, based on the type hint for the field in the given hints dictionary.

cleverdoc.utils.dataclass.is_optional_type(py_type: Type) bool#

Returns True if the given type is an Optional type.

cleverdoc.utils.dataclass.map_dataclass_to_struct(dataclass_type: Type) StructType#

Map a Python data class to a PySpark struct.


dataclass_type – The Python data class to be mapped.


A PySpark struct that corresponds to the data class.

cleverdoc.utils.display_utils module#

cleverdoc.utils.display_utils.get_column_type(df: DataFrame, column_name: str) str#
cleverdoc.utils.display_utils.myprint(ds, indent=0)#

Go through all items in the dataset and print them with custom format

Modelled after Dataset._pretty_str()

cleverdoc.utils.display_utils.show_dicom(df, fields='content', limit=5, width=700, show_meta=True, only_meta=False, desc_width=60, limit_frame=5)#
cleverdoc.utils.display_utils.show_image(image, width=600, show_meta=True, id=0)#
cleverdoc.utils.display_utils.show_images(df, field='image', limit=5, width=600, show_meta=True)#
class cleverdoc.utils.display_utils.show_pdf_file(pdf, size=(600, 500))#

Bases: object

cleverdoc.utils.display_utils.split_bylen(item, maxlen)#

Requires item to be sliceable (with __getitem__ defined)

Module contents#

cleverdoc.utils.get_name(path, keep_subfolder_level=0)#
cleverdoc.utils.get_name_udf(path, keep_subfolder_level=0)#